Oct 27, 2024  
TSC Catalog 2024-25 
TSC Catalog 2024-25

Academic Information


Attendance and participation are two of the most significant factors that promote student success. Students are responsible for completion of all work assigned in class, whether they are present or not.

The following will not be counted as absences if the student notifies the instructor and provides appropriate documentation before the absence:

  • Required military duty
  • Court-mandated appearances, including jury duty
  • College-sponsored activities approved by the College president
  • Religious holidays
  • Documented medical emergency/injury

The instructor must receive prior notification of absences caused by such situations to assure the absence will not be counted. Regardless of the reason for an absence, it is the student’s responsibility to follow the instructor’s policies regarding making up missed assignments and providing any required documentation related to the absence. Students who feel they have been unreasonably denied an educational benefit due to required military duty, court-mandated appearances including jury duty, College-sponsored activities approved by the College president, or religious holidays should contact the appropriate dean/director.

Students may be administratively withdrawn by their instructor for excessive absences if students are absent for more hours than the credit hours of the course. For example, a student who misses more than three hours of class in a three-credit-hour class for any reason except those above is subject to the instructor’s withdrawal policy. If a student registers after the first day of class, official class attendance begins on that day rather than the first day of class. Instructors’ syllabi for web classes explain how this requirement is applied in the online environment.

Other than the situations described above, faculty requirements for attendance vary but must be clearly stated in the instructor’s syllabus. Each instructor’s syllabus describes his or her attendance and course requirements and indicates how an administrative withdrawal (AW) will be applied in the class. Students should refer to their syllabi for specific information on the application of the AW procedure.

Students may appeal an administrative withdrawal, as with other withdrawal appeals. See the Appeals section

See also Withdrawal.

Academic Standards

The College has established academic standards and an academic progress system to assist students and to meet legal requirements. The academic progress system assists students who, because of unsatisfactory academic performance, may experience difficulty in achieving their educational objectives at the college level. Academic progress procedures are designed to achieve the following:

  • Protect the student from prolonged unsatisfactory performance, since continued low achievement will cause the student to forfeit an opportunity to earn a college degree
  • Assist the student in re-evaluating educational goals and in selecting a program of study and/or curriculum appropriate for her or his interests, needs and abilities

TSC’s standards of academic progress consider grades and rate of completion of courses. For a student to make satisfactory progress and continue successfully toward a degree, the student must maintain a 2.0 cumulative GPA and successfully complete 67 percent of all courses attempted by the time of 15 or more attempted hours. For information about the criteria for and consequences of academic warning, probation, suspension and dismissal, students may contact the TSC Advising Center at (850) 201-8440 or advisingcenter@TSC.fl.edu.

Satisfactory Progress/Good Standing

Students who meet or exceed the established cumulative standards will be considered to be making satisfactory progress. Only students in this status may qualify for inclusion in the President’s List or the Dean’s List. The standards are as follows:

  • 1-14 credit hours: must maintain a 1.75 GPA or higher
  • 15 or more credit hours: must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher
  • Students receiving financial aid must also maintain a 67 percent completion rate

Academic Alert

Students who do not make satisfactory progress and fall below one of the standards listed above will receive an academic warning the first term. The academic warning will appear on the student’s academic history dashboard in Workday, and an email will be sent notifying the student of his or her status. Students are strongly encouraged to contact an advisor in the Advising Center to discuss their academic performance. Students on academic warning are limited to enrolling in no more than 13 credit hours per semester. Special consideration may be given due to extenuating circumstances.

Academic Notice

Students who do not make satisfactory progress a second term will be placed on academic probation. Students are strongly encouraged to meet with an advisor in the TSC Advising Center to develop a success plan and may be required to enroll in a specific course or courses in an attempt to correct the problem. Students on academic probation are limited to enrolling in no more than eight credit hours per semester. Special consideration may be given due to extenuating circumstances. Academic probation will be posted on the academic transcript, and an email will be sent notifying the student of his or her status.

Academic Suspension

Students who do not make satisfactory progress while on academic probation will be placed on academic suspension and may not be allowed to enroll at the College for one full term.

In order to be eligible to register after the suspension, students must submit an online Academic Success Contract via the MYTSC app to the Suspension Appeals Committee before the beginning of any term for which they want to petition for re-enrollment. If re-enrollment is permitted, students must meet with an assigned Advising Center advisor within Student Advising and Retention to develop an academic success plan before permission to register. Students re-entering after a term on suspension will be placed on academic probation-after-suspension status and limited to no more than eight credit hours per semester and must make satisfactory progress each semester after they return. Failure to do so will result in academic dismissal. Special consideration may be given due to extenuating circumstances. Academic suspension will be posted on the academic transcript, and an email will be sent notifying the student of his or her status.

Academic Dismissal

Students who do not make satisfactory progress while returning from probation-after-suspension status will be placed on academic dismissal and may not be allowed to enroll in the College for a minimum of one calendar year. In order to be eligible to register after the academic dismissal, students must apply for readmission, then submit an online Academic Success Contract via the MYTSC app Workday to the Suspension Appeals Committee before the beginning of any term for which they want to petition for re-enrollment. If re-enrollment is permitted, the student must meet with their assigned Advising Center advisor to develop an academic success plan before permission to register. Students re-entering after a year on dismissal will be placed on academic probation-after-dismissal status and limited to no more than eight credit hours per semester and must make satisfactory progress each semester after they return. Failure to do so will result in another academic dismissal. Academic dismissal will be posted on the academic transcript.

Appeals Process

A student who is suspended or dismissed at the conclusion of any term may appeal the action by submitting the online Suspension-Dismissal Appeal packet via the MYTSC app to the Suspension Appeals Committee, if the student thinks that the suspension or dismissal was caused by extenuating circumstances. If the appeal is not approved, full sanctions will apply.

Veterans Standards of Academic Progress

All veterans receiving VA educational benefits for training at TSC fall under an additional qualification beyond the College’s standards of academic progress. Any such veteran who fails to earn a 2.0 GPA at TSC for two consecutive academic terms will be reported to the VA for unsatisfactory progress, and VA educational benefits will cease. This qualification addresses only VA benefits and does not have any direct impact on the student’s academic standing with the College itself. All questions regarding this policy should be addressed to the veteran’s services coordinator in the Veterans Success Center. 

Classification of Students

A first-year student is a student who, at the time of registration, has fewer than 30 semester hours of college credit in courses carrying degree credit and who is registered in at least one course for credit.

A sophomore is a student who, at the time of registration, has at least 30 semester hours of college credit in courses carrying degree credit and who is registered in at least one course for credit.

A non-degree student is one who is not seeking a degree or certificate but who is registered in at least one college-level credit course.

A transient student is one who is not seeking a degree from TSC but who takes courses at TSC in order to transfer the credit(s) back to his or her home institution.

The Student’s Program

Twelve credit hours is considered a minimum full-time program during Fall and Spring terms; 15 credit hours is the normal full-time program. Six hours is considered full-time for the Summer six-week terms; for the 10-week Summer term, nine hours is required for full-time status.

Students are expected to spend at least two hours per week in preparation for each hour of class lecture or recitation. Thus, if the student enrolls for 15 credit hours, then at least 30 hours per week should be budgeted for class preparation. Some courses, such as laboratory courses, require students to attend additional contact hours, so students should plan their schedules accordingly. TSC reserves the right to restrict a student’s program to less than the full-time load permitted or to assign a student to a particular course or section of a course. Such decisions may be based on a review of the student’s previous academic record, on results of tests given at the time of registration or on commitments outside of college. The purpose of this restriction is to better meet the needs of the student. Students who are employed and attending school should carefully consider the number of credit hours they undertake to ensure sufficient study time.

The College reserves the right to select from the courses listed in this catalog those that will be offered during any session. Further, the College reserves the right to change any of its offerings or regulations without previous notice.

Definition of Credit

The College conforms to the definition of a college credit hour established in Florida law when developing the academic calendar: one college credit is based on the learning expected from the equivalent of fifteen 50-minute periods of classroom instruction. Credits for laboratory instruction, internships and clinical experience are determined based on the proportion of direct instruction to the laboratory, internship or clinical practice hours.

The number of college credit hours to be awarded for a course is initially determined through the academic course-approval process overseen by the Academic Planning Committee and approved by the TSC District Board of Trustees. The committee recommends the number of credit hours based on the commonly accepted practice of the student learning achieved by direct faculty instruction, combined with independent study, each week, over a period of 15 weeks.

For online courses, variations in direct faculty instructional time are determined based on a learning equivalency to the 15-week requirement. This equivalency is established through a formal approval process.

Variations in the total number of minutes in a 15-week semester or express session may occur due to calendar dates and holidays. In these cases, equivalent instruction is achieved through alternate modes of delivery, and equivalent learning is assured through clearly defined learning outcomes. A deficiency of more than one contact hour per credit hour in any regular or express session must be formally approved by the Academic Planning Committee.

The College also awards career credit, preparatory credit and noncredit courses in accordance with Florida law.

Course Guidelines


The time periods referenced in the following policies pertain to classes that begin and end in accordance with the traditional college term. Classes conducted in a nontraditional format (e.g., express schedules or variable starting dates) have different deadlines. View the Academic Calendar for exact dates.

All students should carefully consider the consequences of changing their schedules after classes begin. However, it is possible to drop and/or add courses during the period of time set forth in the class schedule for each term.


The withdrawal policy applies to all credit students, including TSC Online students. TSC has one withdrawal deadline, which is equivalent to the midpoint of the term for each session. The process for withdrawal before the deadline must be initiated by the student. View the Academic Calendar for published withdrawal dates for each term and session.

In accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0301, students are permitted a maximum of two withdrawals per course. Upon the third attempt, the student will not be permitted to withdraw and will receive a grade for that course.

Students who wish to withdraw from classes may do so through Workday by the official withdrawal deadline.

Students seeking a withdrawal who submit their request before the withdrawal deadline will receive a grade of W recorded on their permanent record for each course in which they were enrolled at the time of withdrawal. No instructor signature is required.

However, special permission to withdraw from a course or courses is required for certain student population types due to particular conditions associated with that population. These student population types must complete withdrawal form online (www.TSC.fl.edu/admissions/forms) and obtain the required permission from the designated authority.

The student population types that cannot withdraw online are:

Student Population Signature Authority
Athletes Director of Athletics
High school dual-enrolled students Approval of TSC Dual Enrollment representative upon receipt of approval from high school guidance counselor
International students Coordinator of International Student Services

Note: Withdrawals may affect an international student’s required visa status

Students enrolled in certain course types may not withdraw from those courses online. The course types are:

Course Type Reason
Third and fourth attempts in a course In accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0301, students are permitted a maximum of two withdrawals per course. Students are not permitted to withdraw from a third attempt and must receive a grade for the course.

Before seeking a withdrawal, a student should follow these guidelines:

  1. Communicate with the faculty member on a consistent basis throughout the semester to discuss the expected outcomes of the student’s progress in the course.
  2. Become familiar with TSC’s academic resources.
  3. Contact an advisor or a Student Affairs staff member to discuss the consequences of a withdrawal and to request additional assistance with regard to current and future personal and career goals.
  4. Contact a Financial Aid staff member regarding the student’s financial aid status. The student should be aware of the following:
    • Withdrawals after the established refund deadline are not eligible for tuition refund.
    • Withdrawals may affect a student’s financial aid status.
  5. Withdrawals may affect an international student’s required visa status.
  6. Withdrawal from a course may affect a student’s intent to apply to a limited-access program.
  7. Withdrawals may affect a student’s graduation timeline.
  8. Withdrawals may be associated with higher educational costs.

TSC faculty members do not automatically withdraw students who stop attending classes. Students who stop attending without withdrawing may receive a grade of F unless the instructor has issued an Administrative Withdrawal (AW). Faculty may choose whether or not to use the AW. The use of the AW to administratively withdraw a student is primarily based upon excessive student absences (see Attendance). Faculty members publish their AW criteria in the course syllabus.

Faculty members whose practice is to withdraw students by using the AW grade must do so by the College’s established withdrawal deadline.

The AW may also be employed to remove student(s) from the class roster as a disciplinary measure imposed as a result of student judicial hearings by action of the vice president for student affairs. Students may appeal the AW as with other withdrawal appeals as noted below.

Withdrawal after Deadline

In certain instances, students may have grounds to appeal for a withdrawal after the established deadline. Students who miss the official TSC withdrawal deadline and have documented circumstances warranting further consideration must go through an appeals process. The College has two processes for consideration of withdrawal after the deadline:

  • For academic reasons
  • For major extenuating circumstances

Withdrawal after deadline must be made within one year after the end of the term, unless the student was incapacitated during that time or there is a documented College error.

Appeal Process for Late Withdrawal Due to Extenuating Circumstances

The student has the responsibility to prove that there are grounds for a withdrawal after deadline. The procedure for appealing a withdrawal after deadline is as follows:

  1. The student must complete the Enrollment Appeals form and provide all appropriate documentation to the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs. All forms clearly state the acceptable parameters and/or conditions for an appeal. Appeals that do not meet these minimum criteria or are not supported by documentation will not be considered. This form is submitted electronically and can found in Workday under TSC College Forms in the Student Affairs section. Sign in using your Student ID and password.
  2. Withdrawal after deadline may be considered as a result of the following extenuating circumstances, provided that the student submits the required documentation supporting his or her inability to withdraw by the published deadline:
    • Serious illness (physical or psychological) or injury to the student
    • Death of a member of the student’s immediate family that prohibits the student’s return to class during the semester being considered (Documentation must show proof of kinship.)
    • Serious illness (physical or psychological) or injury to a member of the student’s immediate family resulting in the student becoming the primary caregiver (Documentation must show proof of kinship.)
    • Military orders and report date after the established withdrawal deadline and before the end of the semester
    • Natural disasters (e.g., hurricane or flood) affecting the student or his or her immediate family

Appeal Process for Grades and Late Withdrawal Due to Academic Reasons

A grade dispute is a claim levied by a student who believes that his or her course grade is incorrect, either through clerical error or the result of inaccurate grading by an instructor. As a general principle, it is the responsibility of the student to establish the grounds for any change of grade. All grade disputes must be initiated within one year of the disputed grade being first awarded. Once initiated, all student grade disputes will be addressed within the time frame established in the following procedures. Students who wish to appeal for a change of grade based upon withdrawal after deadline should review the policy above. Students should contact the appropriate dean for more information.

A grade may only be changed by the instructor of record or by the provost after an academic appeal has been settled. An academic appeal will be considered if there is evidence that one or more of the following conditions exist:

  • Error in calculation of grade
  • Deviation from the syllabus or college policies
  • Academic disparate treatment of student that is not addressed by the College’s equity and civil rights policies
  • Inappropriate penalties for an academic honesty violation or programmatic progression

An appeal will not be considered because of general dissatisfaction with a grade, penalty or outcome of a course. Disagreement with the instructor’s professional judgment of the student’s work and performance is also not an acceptable basis for an appeal.

The procedure for appealing for a change of grade follows:

  1. The student confers with the instructor that issued the grade as soon as possible after the grade is issued, but no later than one year after the grade is posted to the student’s record. If the instructor is no longer at the College or is not working that term, the student may notify the division dean, who will then determine how to proceed in the absence of the instructor.
  2. If the appeal is not resolved, the student confers with the Dean within five working days. The dean may ask for documentation as well as a written statement explaining the student’s rationale.
  3. If the appeal cannot be resolved at this level, the student may then petition the provost within five working days. The provost will require the student to submit in writing all of the pertinent facts and supporting documents. The signed appeal shall be submitted to the provost within 10 working days of the initial meeting with the provost. If the student does not provide the written appeal within 10 working days, the procedure shall terminate.
  4. If the student provides the written appeal to the provost within the agreed time period, the provost will investigate.
  5. The student will be notified within 10 working days of the decision of the provost or if the appeal requires a hearing by the Academic Appeals Committee.
  6. If the provost determines that the appeal meets the criteria, he or she will convene the Academic Appeals Committee to consider the complaint. The provost will notify the student of the Academic Appeals Committee meeting date, his or her rights, and the next steps in the process.
  7. The decision of the provost will be final.

Excess Hours Advisory Statement

Section 1009.286, F.S., establishes an “excess hour” surcharge for a student seeking a baccalaureate degree at a state university. It is critical that students, including those entering Florida colleges, be aware of the potential for additional course fees.

“Excess hours” are defined as hours that go beyond 120% of the hours required for a baccalaureate degree program. For example, if the length of the program is 120 credit hours, the student may be subject to an excess hour surcharge for any credits attempted beyond 144 credit hours (120 x 120%). The following do not count as excess hours: credits earned through an articulated accelerated mechanism such as Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE), or dual enrollment; withdrawals due to medical or personal hardship; credit hours required for certification, recertification or certificate programs; credit hours taken by active-duty military personnel; credit hours required to achieve a dual major taken while pursuing a baccalaureate degree; developmental education and English as a Second Language credit hours; and credit hours earned in military science courses that are part of the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program.

Students whose educational plan may include earning a bachelor’s degree should make every effort to enroll in and successfully complete those courses that are required for their intended major on their first attempt. Students intending to transfer to a state university should identify a major or transfer program early and be advised of admission requirements for that program, including the approved common prerequisites. Course withdrawals and/or repeats, as well as enrollment in courses nonessential to the intended major, may contribute to a potential excess hours surcharge.

Auditing Courses

A student registering in a college-credit course on a not-for-credit basis will be enrolled in an audit status. Upon completion of the course, an X grade will be awarded with no impact on the student’s GPA.

Audit students must meet the same admission standards as credit students. The student is responsible for determining from the instructor what participation, if any, will be required. Approval of the dean is required to audit a particular course. Students registering for credit will have priority over auditing students when class size is a consideration. Students must complete the Audit Request Form via DocuSign to receive approval to audit a course

Fees for courses audited are the same as for those courses taken for credit. Courses taken on an audit basis do not qualify for financial aid. Students who have met developmental requirements through previous satisfactory grades or appropriate test scores may audit developmental classes.

Until the published withdrawal deadline for the session, an instructor may administratively withdraw any audit student who excessively abuses the attendance policy.

A student must declare audit status by the last day to drop courses and receive a refund (fifth day of classes). The enrollment will not be counted as an attempt for purposes of full cost or repeat course regulations.

Repeating Courses

Whenever students repeat a course in which they have received a grade of D or F, only the best grade and grade points earned in the repetitions will be used in calculating the TSC GPA and credits earned. However, forgiveness may not transfer to other institutions; therefore, repeated courses may impact the computation of the GPA when students transfer to other institutions, either public or private. Students should also consider the impact of retaking a course on their specific financial aid package.

Students are not permitted to repeat courses in which they have received grades of C or better, or to earn forgiveness after they receive the Associate in Arts degree. Courses may be repeated if they are designated as repeatable, such as music or journalism, or are individualized courses of study; if they are required to be repeated by a regulatory agency; or if they are being repeated as part of a regulatory requirement for continuing education to stay current in the field, such as for teacher certification. An appeal form must be submitted. This form is submitted electronically and can found on Workday under TSC College Forms in the Student Affairs section. Sign in using your Student ID and password.

In accordance with State Board of Education Rule 6A-14.0301, (1) students may have only three attempts per course, including the original grade, repeat grades and withdrawals at any point in the semester; and (2) repeat enrollment in courses in which a grade of C or above has been earned is prohibited. Repeating a passed course or taking a course for a fourth attempt may be allowed only through an academic appeals process based on major extenuating circumstances. An appeal form must be submitted. This form is submitted electronically and can found on Workday under TSC College Forms in the Student Affairs section. Sign in using your Student ID and password.

Appeals are reviewed by the Enrollment Appeals Committee.

In accordance with s. 1004.93, s. 1004.94, s. 1009.28 and s. 1009.285, F.S., students enrolled in the same developmental or college-level course more than two times shall pay the full cost (100 percent) of instruction, except in approved cases of extenuating circumstances.

Appeal for Full Cost of Instruction Waiver

In certain circumstances, students may have grounds to appeal for a Full Cost of Instruction waiver for a third or fourth (if granted) attempt in a course. Students must have documented circumstances warranting further consideration to go through an appeals process.

The burden of proof is the responsibility of the student. The procedure for appealing for a Full Cost of Instruction Waiver is as follows:

1. Student must complete the Enrollment Appeals form for Full Cost of Instruction Waiver in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and provide appropriate documentation. All forms clearly state the acceptable parameters and/or conditions for an appeal. Appeals that do not meet these minimum criteria or are not supported by documentation will not be considered. This form is submitted electronically and can found on Workday under TSC College Forms in the Student Affairs section. Sign in using your Student ID and password.

A student who is enrolling in a course for the third or fourth time and has documentation of extenuating circumstances that demonstrates the inability to successfully complete coursework in the previous attempt may appeal for a Full Cost of Instruction Waiver. An appeal may only be granted one time per course. If a student successfully appeals for a fourth attempt and received a Full Cost of Instruction Waiver for the third attempt, he/she will not be approved for a waiver for the fourth attempt.

2. A waiver may be considered as a result of the following extenuating circumstances, provided the student submits the required documentation supporting:

  • Serious illness or incapacity due to accident of the student as evidenced by a physician’s letter, during one of the previous attempts of the course
  • Death of a member of the student’s immediate family during one of the previous attempts of the course
  • Serious illness or incapacity due to accident of a member of the student’s immediate family resulting in student as the primary caregiver, during one of the previous attempts of the course
  • Other extreme emergency or catastrophe, military orders to report; or natural disasters affecting student during one of the previous attempts of the course
  • Current financial hardship (i.e. documentation showing low income, loss of job or income, or drastic change in financial situation)

Appeal for a Fourth Attempt in a Course

In certain circumstances, students may have grounds to appeal for a fourth attempt in a course. Students must and have documented circumstances warranting further consideration must go through an appeals process.

The burden of proof is the responsibility of the student. The procedure for appealing for a Fourth Attempt of a Course is as follows:

1. Student must complete an Enrollment Appeals form in the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs and provide appropriate documentation. All forms clearly state the acceptable parameters and/or conditions for an appeal. Appeals that do not meet these minimum criteria or are not supported by documentation will not be considered. This form is submitted electronically and can found on Workday under TSC College Forms in the Student Affairs section. Sign in using your Student ID and password.

A student who is appealing for a fourth attempt and has documentation of major extenuating circumstances that demonstrates the inability to successfully complete coursework in their third attempt.

2. A fourth attempt may be considered as a result of the following extenuating circumstances, provided the student submits the required documentation supporting:

  • Serious illness or incapacity due to accident of the student as evidenced by a physician’s letter
  • Death of a member of the student’s immediate family
  • Other extreme emergency or catastrophe, such as military orders to report; or natural disasters affecting student

Absence from Final Examination

A final examination/activity is required in all courses except those specifically exempted by the Academic Planning Committee. For some courses, departmental policy requires that the student take the final exam before a passing grade can be earned. For all other courses, a student who does not take the final exam and is not eligible for a makeup exam will receive a zero for the exam. The zero will be averaged into the course grade. The faculty may not change the final examination schedule without prior approval from the provost. Student requests for alternate time to take the exam may be considered by the instructor in consultation with the dean. Such requests must be submitted to the instructor in advance. A student who reports to and takes any part of a final examination ordinarily will not be allowed to defer or retake that final. A student who is absent from a final examination due to illness, court-mandated appearance or other extreme emergencies must contact the appropriate dean immediately and provide reliable evidence of these situations. Final examinations may be rescheduled only for extreme emergencies. All changes to final exam schedules must be approved by the appropriate dean.

Course Modalities

TSC Online supports on-campus education by providing students the opportunity to pursue programs of study in alternative formats. Staff partners with TSC academic and student affairs units, the Workforce Development Division, and the Florida Public Safety Institute to ensure that high-quality online courses are offered and comprehensive student support services that foster the intellectual, career, academic and personal development of students are available. The guiding principles are student engagement, student development and student success.

For information, contact TSC Online at (850) 201-9400 or TSCOnline@TSC.fl.edu.

Learning formats offered by TSC include hybrid, LIVE and online instruction. These courses are excellent options for nontraditional students and students seeking alternative learning environments.

Hybrid: A course in which the learning occurs both online and on campus. Some instruction is online and some instruction occurs in the traditional classroom.

LIVE: A course taken from anywhere and interacts in real time with the professor and classmates at scheduled days and times.

Online: A course that is web-based and delivered via the College’s course learning management system. Lecture material, assignments and other course materials are available online. All coursework is completed online; tests may be taken using proctoring software.

TSC Online Learning

Through TSC Online, students have the opportunity to earn college credit via the internet. Each online course is fully accredited and meets the same academic criteria as traditional courses. Online courses are equivalent to on-campus courses in regard to outcomes, content, credit and transferability.

Online courses are typically conducted totally through the TSC Canvas learning management system, with few or no campus visits. Faculty and students communicate with one another through chat, email, discussion boards, web conferencing and other tools within the online course environment.

To find an online course, look for the web-based class designator in the course description.

Student Authentication

Students are required to have a digital ID. This process is completed during the onboarding process for new students. All digital IDs are verified through TSC’s Campus Police and the approved IDs are posted in Workday. TSC requires all online courses to offer an identity verification assignment each semester. This assignment may include, but is not limited to, a proctored exam, synchronous or asynchronous video presentations, or synchronous video interactions.

Additional Fees

Students enrolling in online courses will be required to pay an additional fee of $10 per credit hour. Tests may be scheduled on campus or at an approved proctored site. Additional fees may apply for tests taken at proctored sites. Fees will vary by site.

Technology Requirements

Students may be required to purchase software for selected courses.

Open computer labs are available on campus for students’ use in completing their coursework. These labs are equipped with the hardware and software necessary for student success.

For information regarding technical requirements, including browser compatibility, visit the TSC Online webpage.

For assistance with technical problems, contact the Help Desk at (850) 201-8545 between 8:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Monday-Thursday and 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. on Friday. Limited Canvas assistance is available after 5:00 p.m. Monday - Thursday.

Support Services for Online Students


Support services are available to assist students in being successful as online learners. Students interested in becoming online learners should first be accepted through the TSC admission process, and then contact the academic advisor (TSConline@TSC.fl.edu) to help with course registration and other related questions.

First-time-at-TSC students who will complete their program of study entirely online should register for Distance Learning Online Orientation, before registering for online courses. This is a free, noncredit online orientation and is for first-time-at-TSC students only.  


Students can purchase textbooks and course-related materials by contacting the TSC Bookstore at TSCfl@bkstr.com or at (850) 575-9200. Students may also visit the bookstore on the main campus.

Learning Commons

The William D. Law Learning Commons offers students and faculty a broad range of services, including diagnostic assessment, learning materials and electronic resources; individual conferences; one-on-one and small group tutoring; whole class support; workshops and seminars; success strategies; technology; and multimedia support and assistance in developing and assessing individual learning plans.

The Virtual Learning Commons is also available to provide services comparable to those provided in the Learning Commons to students working online. All of the online resources, online tutoring, workshops and virtual study rooms are available in the Virtual Learning Commons. Contact the Learning Commons at learningcommons@TSC.fl.edu or (850) 201-8193.

Library Services

Students may request library assistance through Ask a Librarian. Through this service, students can text, email or chat online with a reference librarian.

Grading System

The standing of a student in each course is expressed by one of the following letters:

A Excellent - 4 grade points per credit hour
B Good - 3 grade points per credit hour
C Average - 2 grade points per credit hour
D Poor - 1 grade point per credit hour
F Failure - No grade points
S* Satisfactory - No grade points
U* Unsatisfactory - No grade points
I** Incomplete - No grade points
X* Audit - No grade points
NC* No credit course - No grade points
NR* Grade not reported - No grade points
AW* Administrative withdrawal - No grade points
W* Withdrew - No grade points
AD, AF* Amnesty - No grade points

*Grade not included when computing the grade point average.

**Incomplete: A grade of incomplete may be given to a student who, for exceptional reasons, is unable to complete a course. In order to receive an incomplete, the student must have a passing grade in the course and must have completed a majority of the required coursework. Instructor permission is required. This permission is granted only for exceptional reasons. Grades of “I” are not assigned to any courses if a student withdraws from the College or to avoid an earned grade. It is the responsibility of the student to make the necessary arrangements with the instructor concerned to satisfy the incomplete conditions. An “I” shall be changed to a final grade if the student completes the required work by the end of the next term, whether or not the student is enrolled for that term. An “I” not removed by the end of the next term (Fall, Spring, Summer) will revert to an F. Students called for active military duty will, at their request, be assigned “I” grades that will not convert to F grades for a period not to exceed two terms following the end of the term for which the “I” grade was assigned. Students who receive an “I” grade under this exceptional circumstance may receive a full tuition refund for the course in which “I” grades have not been removed by the end of the second term by requesting such a refund in writing to the vice president for student affairs no later than the last official class day of the second term.

Degree Verification

TSC has authorized the National Student Clearinghouse to provide degree verification for students who need to provide this information to potential employers, lenders or others. To obtain degree verification, go to National Student Clearinghouse Verification Services and follow the prompts. The student, company or agency requesting the verification may be assessed a convenience fee.

Enrollment Verification

Students who need enrollment verification for a specific time period (e.g., current term or academic year) for potential employers, lenders or insurance companies, will contact the National Student Clearinghouse, which provides enrollment verification for students who request it. 

Verification of enrollment for a term will be certified only after the fifth day of classes (i.e., the last day to drop a class) for that term. Certification is calculated on the date the request is made. If a student withdraws from courses in the current term, before the verification request, those courses will not be included in the total enrollment hours reported. 

To obtain enrollment verification, go to National Student Clearinghouse Verification Services (Enrollmentverify.org). The student, company or agency requesting the verification may be assessed a convenience fee.

Grade Reports

Final grades will be posted to Workday. Official college transcript cannot be released if the student has any outstanding obligations to the College.


TSC partners with Parchment to provide official transcript order processing services. Students can order transcripts online 24 hours a day/7 days a week with customer service provided Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. E.S.T. The combination of services includes online transcript ordering, electronic delivery of transcripts in PDF format and paper transcript delivery. The Parchment transcript ordering system uses an authentication process that is FERPA compliant and is able to electronically authenticate both current students and alumni, check for holds (transcripts will not be released for a student who has any outstanding financial obligation to the College), release transcript records once holds have been satisfied, and communicate with students via email and text messaging throughout the process. 

To initiate the ordering process, students should visit https://www.TSC.fl.edu/transcripts and select the Transcript Request link.  

TSC does not charge for transcripts; however, Parchment assesses a processing fee per transcript order being delivered electronically. Transcripts delivered via first class mail or via other domestic or international rush delivery options incur additional charges.

Current students may print an unofficial transcript by logging in to their Workday account and selecting the View Unofficial Transcript option.

Honors Recognition

TSC is pleased to recognize the academic accomplishments of its students each semester, as well as at graduation. Students who have satisfied all of their developmental courses, who enroll in at least six credit hours in a term and who complete all college credit hours attempted are eligible for honors recognition for that term. Students are notified of honors recognition through TSC email. President’s and Dean’s recognition is also noted on the official TSC transcript.

Only courses that earn quality points can be used to determine eligibility. If courses graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis are taken in addition to those carrying quality points, grades of “S” must be earned. The removal of an “Incomplete” will not be used in determining eligibility for honors recognition.

Eligible students who earn a 4.0 GPA will receive President’s recognition; students who earn at least a 3.5 GPA will receive Dean’s recognition; and students who earn at least a 3.0 GPA will receive Honor’s recognition for that term.

Merit Recognition

Based on academic performance, TSC also recognizes students who are fulfilling their developmental courses. Students who are in developmental courses, who enroll in at least six hours in a term and who complete all coursework attempted are eligible for merit recognition. Merit recognition is not noted on the official TSC transcript. Students are notified through TSC email.

Only courses that earn quality points can be used to determine eligibility. If courses graded on a Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory basis are taken in addition to those carrying quality points, grades of “S” must be earned. The removal of an “Incomplete” will not be used in determining eligibility for Merit recognition.

Students who earn at least a 3.0 GPA will receive Merit recognition; students who earn a 4.0 will receive Presidential Merit recognition for that term.

Transfer Credit

Tallahassee State College welcomes transfer students and accepts a broad range of transfer credit.

Transfer credit is accepted for first-year and sophomore-level coursework and may be evaluated as to level, content, quality, comparability and degree program relevance by the faculty in the appropriate academic unit. Credit is awarded provided the credit earned is a grade of “D” or higher. In establishing the eligibility for transfer credit, the faculty may ask students to provide additional information, such as the original college catalog, course descriptions, course syllabi, stated learning-outcomes, assessment measures and sample student work.

A maximum of 75% of the required credit hours for degree completion and graduation at the College may be accepted as transfer credit.

The provost, working with the Academic Planning Committee, has institutional authority over all procedures for transfer credit, and the College Registrar has the authority to enact these procedures. These procedures are reviewed on a regular basis by the provost and the Academic Planning Committee.

Florida Statewide Course Numbering System

The College accepts transfer credit from all institutions that participate in the Florida’s Statewide Course Numbering System. For certain exceptions to this articulation agreement, students should consult Exceptions to the General Rule for Course Equivalency  in this catalog.

  • Regionally accredited institutions that participate in Florida SCNS: In compliance with Florida Statute, students will receive direct transfer credit for any courses taken at these institutions. Students will need to provide official transcripts, but there will be no further review of the transfer credit by faculty.
  • Nonregionally accredited institutions that participate in Florida SCNS: In compliance with Florida Statute, students will receive direct transfer credit for any courses taken at these institutions. Students will need to provide official transcripts, and the College registrar will establish that the institution and course is listed as transferable on the SCNS website. If so listed, there will be no further review of the transfer credit by faculty.
  • Regionally/nationally accredited institutions that do not participate in Florida SCNS: Students may receive transfer credit for courses taken at these institutions, but students are required to provide, in addition to the official transcript, documentation as to the level, content, quality, comparability and degree program relevance of the course. This material will be evaluated by faculty in an appropriate academic unit.
  • Nonregionally/nationally accredited institutions: Students may receive transfer credit for courses taken at these institutions, but students are required to provide, in addition to the official transcript, documentation as to the level, content, quality, comparability and degree program relevance of the course. This material will be evaluated by faculty in an appropriate academic unit.

Credit by Examination

The College accepts credit by examination for the following programs, based on the determinations made by the Florida Department of Education’s Articulation Coordinating Committee:

  • Advanced Placement (AP)
  • Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE) Exams
  • College Level Examination Program (CLEP)
  • International Baccalaureate (IB)
  • Dantes Subject Standardized Tests (DSST)
  • Excelsior College Examinations
  • UExcel Excelsior College Examination Program

Students may not receive credit by examination for any course in which they have already earned college-level credit.

Credit for Military Service

Active duty members of the military and veterans may request credit for experience gained during service, as defined by s.1004.096(f), F.S.

In order to receive these credits, students should submit a written request to the Admissions and Records Office for the credits to be posted to their academic record, together with either proof of active duty status or a copy of their DD214 (Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty).

In addition, credit may be awarded for military training and education in accordance with the American Council on Education’s (ACE) Guide to the Evaluation of Educational Experiences in the Armed Services. Active or former military service members, depending upon their branch of service, may submit any of the following documents for review:

  • Joint Services Transcript (Army, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Navy)
  • Community College of the Air Force

College credit may be awarded based on ACE recommendations, but that recommendation is subject to faculty review to establish equivalency. The College awards only those credits appropriate to the student’s degree program.

Because most credits for military experience will be recognized as electives only, students should seek guidance from a college advisor before requesting this credit in order to understand any implications related to excess hours or other concerns.

Credit Earned at Non-U.S. Institutions

International students must provide official or certified copies of all postsecondary transcripts and other examination results. All academic records must be issued in the native language and be accompanied by a certified English translation.

Transfer students interested in receiving transfer credit for coursework completed at non-U.S. postsecondary institutions must provide a course-by-course evaluation done by a certified evaluation agency that is a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services (www.naces.org) or the International Education Credential Services provided by the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers (www.aacrao.org). Examples of such agencies include International Education Evaluations (www.myiee.org), World Education Services (www.wes.org) and Josef Silny & Associates (www.jsilny.com). Any costs associated with the evaluation are the student’s responsibility. All evaluations must be in English. Additional documents may be required by faculty in the academic unit chosen to evaluate the credit.

Institutional Exemption by Exam

Students are able to earn three hours of credit for CGS1060 Computer and Internet Literacy  by passing the IC3 FastTrack competency examination. An additional fee is charged for this examination.

Credit by Career and Technical (Clock Hour) Certificate

Students who earn a Career and Technical certificate in certain disciplines may receive college credit toward a program of study (A.S. degree). TSC recognizes a number of agreements, and each agreement outlines the exact requirements for earning credit. Exemption credit will be awarded only after successful completion of nine credit hours of coursework in the specific A.S. degree program at TSC. For a list of all state articulated agreements, visit the Florida Department of Education website. For more information about exemption credit, contact the program division or an academic advisor.

Exemption Credit for Industry Credentials (Gold Standard Career Pathways)

The State Board of Education has approved Gold Standard Career Pathways Articulation Agreements for earned industry certifications that allow students block credit. The College awards block credit for the certifications if the degree is offered at the College and the student meets the requirements identified in the Gold Standard Career Pathway. Contact the dean of Applied Sciences and Technology for more information.

Local Articulation Agreements

The College has also entered into articulation agreements with area high schools in TSC’s three-county area (Gadsden, Leon, Wakulla) and has pre-approved certain certifications for course credit equivalency without further review. Detailed information about these agreements can be obtained from the Academic Affairs Office.

Experiential Credit

To receive credit for past noncollege experience, students are required to complete a request for an evaluation of noncollege learning. Once the request is submitted to the Associate Vice-President of Academic Affairs, the student will submit a portfolio that addresses the competencies earned that are equivalent to the student learning outcomes within the respective course(s). The portfolio will be evaluated. The course recommendation will include lower or higher semester credit equivalencies, the name of the course for which the student should receive credit, and a brief description of the course. This recommendation is then subject to review by faculty to ensure equivalency.

Students must be admitted to the program to which the credit will apply, and students must have earned at least 12 college credit hours. Credits will be held in escrow until this requirement is met.

No more than 25 percent of total credit required for any program may be awarded through experiential credit. Students may not receive credit for prior learning for courses in areas where the student has already received college credit. General Education courses required in the student’s program of study cannot be earned through experiential credit.

Procedures for the assessment of prior learning are developed and regularly reviewed by the provost in conjunction with the Academic Planning Committee.


Graduation Requirements and Year of Entry

Students must complete the requirements shown in the College catalog for the year in which they enter the College. If graduation requirements change during a student’s attendance, the student may elect to satisfy either the new requirements or the ones in effect at the time of enrollment, provided the student has maintained continuous enrollment. Continuous enrollment may be claimed if the student satisfactorily completes at least one course during the Fall or Spring term. If a break in enrollment of more than 12 months occurs, the student will be required to complete requirements for graduation under the catalog in effect at the time of re-entry. Upon re-admission to the College, see a Career and Academic Advisor to determine whether you have satisfied the General Education requirements, Civic Literacy, and/or foreign language competency under a previous catalog.

Students enrolled in healthcare programs will be required to fulfill graduation requirements specified in the catalog for the year in which they enrolled in their first healthcare program course. If a student withdraws before completing the program and is later re-admitted, the student must fulfill the requirements in effect at the time the student returns to the program.

Residency Requirement

All students who graduate from TSC must complete at least 25 percent of the credit hours required for the degree in residence at TSC.

Courses and Grade Point Average Requirement

Students who graduate from TSC must complete the curriculum prescribed for the program in which they are enrolled.

  • Candidates for degrees will be required to achieve a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0 in all applicable courses for their program of study. This includes both transfer courses and courses taken at TSC.
  • Only the best grade received in courses repeated by students shall be used in this computation.
  • All courses submitted must be appropriate to the degree program. 

Awarding of Certificates and Degrees

Tallahassee State College reserves the right to award a certificate or degree if a student has completed all requirements for the certificate or degree. Once the certificate or degree has been awarded, all coursework leading to that degree is considered final and not subject to change unless there is a documented College error. (District Board of Trustees Policy po-4168)

Graduation and Diplomas

Graduation at TSC is an automatic process. This streamlines the necessary steps for students and ensures the degrees or certificates are posted to the official transcript after completing all of the requirements. TSC has partnered with Parchment to provide online transcript ordering services and diploma processing.

  1. To confirm your diploma is printed correctly, verify that your name and address are correct on your Workday account. You may change your address in Workday.
  2. Commencement ceremonies are held twice each year. Information about the ceremony will be emailed during the Fall or Spring term about participating in the ceremony and ordering cap/gown. Students are only allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony of their graduating term. 

Honors Designations Earned by Graduates

Students with outstanding cumulative academic grade point averages at the time of graduation receive special designation on their diplomas. The cumulative grade point average includes TSC credits earned as well as transfer work. Special designation is also noted in the annual commencement program at the ceremony. The criteria for these recognitions are as follows:

  • Students who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.0-3.49 are considered Honor Graduates. This honor is denoted in the commencement program by a single asterisk, and on the diploma will include the statement With Honors.
  • Students who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 3.5-3.99 are considered Honor Graduates/Dean’s List. The denotation in the commencement program is two asterisks, and the diploma will include the statement With Honors.
  • Students who graduate with a cumulative grade point average of 4.0 are considered Honor Graduates/President’s List. The denotation in the commencement program is three asterisks, and the diploma will include the statement With Honors.
  • The names of students who graduate from the Honors Program will show in bold italics in the commencement program. The diploma will include the statement Honors Program.
  • The diploma for a graduate who is a member of Phi Theta Kappa will include the statement Phi Theta Kappa if the student graduates with a cumulative GPA of 3.50 or higher. 

Baccalaureate Designations Earned by Graduates

Students graduating from a baccalaureate program with outstanding academic grade point averages at the time of graduation receive special designation on their diplomas and official transcript. The cumulative grade point average includes TSC credits earned as well as transfer work. Special designation is also noted in the annual commencement program at the ceremony. The criteria for these designations are as follows:

  • Summa Cum Laude (with Highest Honors): Awarded to students who achieved a 4.0 grade point average on all program of study coursework. This honor signifies exceptional academic performance.
  • Magna Cum Laude (with High Honors): Awarded to students who achieved a grade point average between 3.75 and 3.99 on all program of study coursework. This honor recognizes significant academic achievement.
  • Cum Laude (with Honors): Awarded to students who achieved a grade point average between 3.5 and 3.74 on all program of study coursework. This honor acknowledges commendable academic performance.

Commencement Ceremony

A formal commencement ceremony is held twice each year.  There will be one at the end of the Fall semester for all graduates of the previous Summer and Fall terms. There will also be a ceremony at the end of the Spring semester for all Spring semester graduates. Students are only allowed to participate in the commencement ceremony of their graduating term.  For information, contact the Office of the Vice President for Student Affairs at (850) 201-8490 or visit the commencement webpage.