Feb 16, 2025  
TSC Catalog 2024-25 
TSC Catalog 2024-25

Florida Civic Literacy Exam and Graduation Requirements

Florida Civic Literacy Exam and Graduation Requirements

As of October 20, 2021, the State Board of Education approved revisions to Florida’s civic literacy competency requirements, which now includes passing a civic literacy course (AMH2020  or POS1041 ) or (AMH2010  taken spring 2025 or after) and the state civic literacy exam.  This guide provides information on the new Florida requirements, as well as resources to help you prepare for the Florida Civic Literacy Exam (FCLE). 

Civic Literacy requirement applies to the following students:

Catalog Year Student Type Degree Type Requirement
2018-2019 through 2020-2021 First time in college students Associate in Arts (A.A.), Baccalaureate

Pass a course (AMH2020  or POS1041 ) or (AMH2010  taken spring 2025 or after) OR Pass an assessment

Note: The AP and CLEP can be used to meet the assessment requirement.

2021-2022 and after Students entering FCS under 2021-2022 catalog year Associate in Arts (A.A.), Baccalaureate

Pass a course (AMH2020  or POS1041 ) or (AMH2010  taken spring 2025 or after) AND Pass an assessment


  1. The AP and CLEP can be used to meet both the course and assessment requirement.
  2. The AICE and IB can only be used to meet the course requirement.
  3. The FCLE can only be used to meet the assessment requirement.
2022-2023 and after Students entering FCS 2022-2023 catalog year Associate in Science (A.S.), Associate in Applied Science (A.A.S.)

Pass a course (AMH2020  or POS1041 ) or (AMH2010  taken spring 2025 or after) AND Pass an assessment


  1. The AP and CLEP can be used to meet both the course and assessment requirement.
  2. The AICE and IB can only be used to meet the course requirement.
  3. The FCLE can only be used to meet the assessment requirement.

Civic Literacy Competencies

Students initially entering a Florida College System institution or state university in 2018-2019 and thereafter must demonstrate competency in civic literacy.  As outlined by statute, civic literacy competencies and outcomes include: 

  • Understanding of the basic principles and practices of American democracy and how they are applied in our republican form of government; 
  • An understanding of the United States Constitution and its application; 
  • Knowledge of the founding documents and how they have shaped the nature and functions of our institutions of self-government; and 
  • An understanding of landmark Supreme Court cases, landmark legislation, and landmark executive actions, and their impact on law and society. 

Who is Exempt from the Civic Literacy Competencies

Students with catalog years 2018-2019 though 2020-2021 are exempt from the Florida Civic Literacy Competency requirement if they: 

  • Earned college credit prior to Fall 2018 
  • Were dual enrolled prior to Fall 2018